For now, a working title; although I do have strong feelings about the crow's nest taking precedence. A bird's-eye view, if you will, gazing downward at the spruce-wood mast...However, the feeling of flight is quite strong, as if I was watching a mass of gulls circling from the clouds above. And, central to this salty tale, is the pair of smiling faces in the center--a schooner's captain and companion, perhaps?
This is a lovely painting. I find the colors gentle and the form strong - so it's somehow soothing. Has a lot of depth. I'm wondering how large it is, and what medium did you use?
ReplyDeleteIt comes across to me both fanciful and happy.
Thank you for sharing your work! I don't see either seagulls or a crows nest, but I don't think it matters.
Each (cropped) image has been discovered in my original acrylics, and, in reality, may only be one to four inches in size. It is through digital photography of the whole, that I am able to provide prints at a larger scale, varying from 5"x 7" to 12"x 16" up to 30 and 40 inches.